2013年9月17日 星期二

[學術演講] 周芷 院士 (系友,美國國家科學院院士), 10月1日 pm 13:20-15:20 , 共 201教室

時間: 2013/ 10/ 01 (週二)下午 13:20-15:20
地點: 臺灣大學 共同教學館 201 教室
演講人: 周 芷 院士 (不連續基因發現者。美國國家科學院院士。阿拉巴馬大學伯明罕分校(University of Alabama at Birmingham)醫學院生物化學與分子遺傳學系教授。臺大生化科技學系系友。)

報名網址: http://goo.gl/MkQrQy
周芷教授維基百科介紹: http://tinyurl.com/LC20131001

演講主題:  Achilles heel – Strategy to Stop Human Papillomaviruses in Their Tracks

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are a large family of prevalent pathogens, causing hyperproliferation of cutaneous and mucosal epithelia, commonly known as warts. Persistent Infections by the high-risk HPV-16, HPV-18 and closely related types can progress to high grade lesions and cancers, such as cervical, penile, anal, and laryngeal cancers, as well as a fraction of other head and neck cancers. Prophylactic vaccines effectively prevent infections by 4 virus types but do not cure pre-existing infections. Therapeutic agents are urgently needed.  Genetic studies of these viruses are hampered because these viruses cannot be propagated in conventional cell cultures.  Rather, the productive phase depends on proper squamous differentiation.  We have developed an organotypic skin culture system of primary human  keratinocytes to recapitulate a robust viral life cycle, permitting genetic analyses of viral genes. Combined with our investigation of the mechanisms that regulate viral DNA replication and amplification, we have identified Achilles heel to control virus infection.
聯絡人: 陳彥榮 rong123@gmail.com

