申請者請將下列資料:1.個人履歷表(含研究經費申請紀錄);2.學經歷證件影本;3.教學計畫書;4. 研究計畫書;5.歷年著作目錄及2007年8月以後著作之電子檔,並指定2009年8月以後代表著作1-3篇;6.三封推薦函。於2013年 12月10日前寄至:10617 台北市羅斯福路四段1號 國立臺灣大學生化科技學系新聘教師甄選委員會收。請參考系網址:
http://www.bst.ntu.edu.tw 。聯絡人:系主任黃慶璨教授,電話:02-33662269,電子郵件:cthuang@ntu.edu.tw。
Faculty Position in Nutrition Science
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
The Department of Biochemical Science and Technology in the College
of Life Sciences, National Taiwan University seeks applicants for a
tenure-track faculty position beginning on August 1st, 2014.
Responsibility: This position includes responsibilities in discovery,
learning and engagement and a commitment to teaching and doing research in Nutrition Science. The successful candidate
will teach both undergraduate and graduate classes. Applicant’s research
should include cutting-edge nutritional studies using tools of biochemical
science and technology, such as, but not limited to: biochemical, molecular, epigenetics and omics tools.
Qualifications: All applicants must have a PhD in Nutrition
Science related fields, postdoctoral research experience, a strong publication
record, and potential to obtain external research funding.
Applications: Send
ALL of the following materials to Dr. Ching-Tsan Huang (cthuang@ntu.edu.tw, Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, National
Taiwan University, 1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Rd. Taipei 106 Taiwan; TEL: +886-2-3366-2269): (1)
curriculum vitae (including funding record); (2) copy of diploma and working
experience certificate; (3) descriptions of future research goals and teaching
interests; (4) publication list, reprints in pdf published after August, 2007,
and 1-3 representative papers; and (5) three reference letters. Application review will
begin on December 10th, 2013.