103學年度第2學期 碩士班逕讀博士班
2015 年申請期間
(1) 申請者須修畢專題討論(1,1)、生化科技實驗法一二(1,1)及選擇性必修10學分,合計14學分。
(2) 修業期間學業成績總平均排名在全班人數前三分之一以內。
(1) 逕行修讀博士學位申請書一份。
(2) 歷年成績表一份。(須修業一年以上)
(3) 兩封助理教授以上教師推薦函(含一封為碩士班之論文指導教授), 推薦函格式請至本系網頁下載。
(5) 論文初步成果報告。
(6) 博士論文研究計畫。
2014年12月29日 星期一
[招生] 103學年度第2學期碩士班逕讀博士班
2014年12月19日 星期五
[招生資訊] 分子與生物農業科學國際研究生學程104學年度招生說明會
Date: 12/24 (Wed.)
Time: 4pm to 5pm
Place: Room 236, 2F, Agricultural Technology Building, Academia Sinica (中研院農科大樓2樓236教室)
Sign-up: Email to mbastigp@gate.sinica.edu.tw before 12/19 with providing the following information:
Full name (Chinese & English)
School name or work place
Department or institute name
Study year (if you are a student)
2014年12月11日 星期四
[公告] 新加坡國立大學生物化學系鄧力文老師實驗室招募博士班學生
Recruitment of PhD Students to study in Department of Biochemistry, School of
Medicine, National University of Singapore
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to work with the group of Associate Professor Deng, Lih-Wen who has a research focus on understanding the cellular and molecular mechanism in cancer development and developing novel targets for therapeutic cancer intervention. More information can be found at http://www.med.nus.edu.sg/bch/bchdlw.htm.Current research projects in her laboratory are listed below.
- Cell cycle regulation, genomic instability and chromatin dynamics in cancer development
- Pathogenesis of HPV-associated cervical cancer and development of novel therapeutic strategy for HPV-associated cervical cancer
- Therapeutic potential of targeting cancer metabolism and tumor microenvironment
- Cancer oxidative stress and glutathione homeostasis
A keen interest in cancer biology as well as basic cellular and biochemical techniques are essential and some experience in animal work is advantageous. The candidate with an MSc degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject is preferable.
Please send your CV, the names of two references, and a short motivation letter to Dr. Deng, Lih-Wen (bchdlw@nus.edu.sg). An interview can be arranged on either Dec 23rd or Dec 27th 2014 in National Taiwan University. Shortlist candidates will be contacted via email or phone to arrange for the meeting time and venue.
2014年12月9日 星期二
[學術演講] 2015/1/5,趙蓓敏教授:「Oops, this is not what my boss expected result… --opportunities for new idea」,歡迎踴躍參加 !
生命科學院 生化科技學系 學術演講
講 題:Oops, this is not what my boss expected result…
--opportunities for new idea
講 者:趙蓓敏教授(中國醫藥大學營養學系系主任)
時 間 :104年1月5日 ( 星 期 一 ) 10:30 AM
地 點 :三號館一樓西端,第六教室
歡迎踴躍參加 !
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